CSR CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
The importance of "partnerships between the public and private sectors and civil society" is highlighted in the 17 goals outlined in the SDGs.
In response to this, the government also states in its "SDG Implementation Guidelines" that "the key to achieving the SDGs is to effectively utilize financial resources and technologies possessed by the private sector as well as the public sector to solve social issues."
Toyo Seikan Group is actively involved in the SDGs, and TOMATEC is also focusing on and promoting 10 SDGs of the 17 SDGs in particular.
Compliance Activities & Reformation of Work Styles
Gender Equality
Contribute to society by reformation of work styles & Expanding Business Earnings
Decent Work & Economic Growth
New Product Development
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Strengthen support for overseas subsidiaries and expand sales worldwide
Partnerships for the Goals
Contribution by TOMATEC products
No Poverty
Good Health and Well-being
Affordable and Clean Energy
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Life Below Water
SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals.
SDGs were set as specific goals to be achieved by 2030.Agenda means action plan or policy agenda.
The SDGs are a set of goals to end poverty, protect the earth, and ensure that all people can enjoy peace and prosperity.
The Japanese government is actively involved in the SDGs as a universal call to action, not only for developing countries, but also for developed countries themselves.
Specifically, there are 17 "targets" related to poverty, hunger, health, education, women, labor, water, production and consumption, energy, climate change, and so on.
In addition, 169 specific "targets" have identified.

Environmental Commitment
TOMATEC's Environmental Initiatives

Tomatec has been and will be conscious of the need to protect the global environment, which is the foundation of economic activities and human society. As a member of Toyo Seikan Group, we will work together to contribute to a decarbonized society, a resource-recycling society, and a society in harmony with nature. We will strive to conserve resources and energy in our activities as a company responsible for the development of the chemical industry to create a sustainable society that is safe and prosperous for all stakeholders, including the global environment.
We will also continue to develop new technologies and products and promote activities that help protect the environment throughout the supply chain.
Compliance Management

Based on the management philosophy of our founder, Tatsunosuke Takasaki-"To make mankind happy"-we have been conducting our corporate activities to contribute to society by providing products and the experience and technology we have cultivated over the years based on the viewpoint and thinking from the customer's point of view.
To realize this management philosophy more reliably, we recognize that it is essential to conduct "fair and transparent" corporate activities based on legal compliance and common sense.We feel that our continuous business activities with high ethical standards and integrity will earn the trust of our clients while contributing to the development of society.
We have established the "Corporate Code of Conduct" as a standard to ensure that every director and employee practices corporate activities by following not only the law, but also corporate ethics. We have also established a Compliance Promotion Committee to promote compliance management.
Internal and external consultation offices are available for counsel and reporting of compliance violations, such as acts in breach of laws, regulations, and corporate ethics.
- ■Basic policy
- With respect to your right to privacy, TOMATEC CO., LTD. (TOMATEC) and everybody involved in TOMATEC’s business recognizes the importance of properly handling privacy and taking appropriate measures for the safe management of such information. Accordingly, we observe regulations related to privacy rights (laws protecting personal information), other laws that may be related and guidelines.
- 1Obtaining personal information
- We obtain personal information through proper and fair means which are required for us to attain specific goals related to our business.
- 2Notifying personal information usage
- As a general rule, we make sure to notify customers in advance when personal information of him/her is obtained.
- 3Using personal information
- We use personal information only for the required scope of work needed to attain business goals.
We do not provide personal information to a third party without acquiring your consent. - 4Sharing personal information
- In cases that we share personal information with a third party, we will notify you in advance.
- 5Safely managing personal information
- In order to attain our business goals within our required scope of work, we strive to keep personal information accurate and up to date.
- 6Supervising employees and subcontractors
We provide necessary and appropriate supervision for our employees in order to achieve the safe handling of personal information.
We also provide necessary and appropriate supervision for any third party that is outsourced by us to handle personal information, in order to achieve the safe handling of personal information. - 7Disclosing personal information
- Regarding personal information that we retain, in the case that the customer requests notification, disclosure, change/addition/removal of details, usage termination, removal of all information and stoppage of third party provision, we will comply with all applicable regulations and correspond with integrity.
- 8Support
- We have set up a special support team to correspond with you on any questions or complaints relating with how personal information is handled.
- 9Establishing/Maintaining the Privacy policy
- n order to take into effect all of the policies listed here, a privacy policy has been established. All employees including board members are aware of the policy and strict compliance is understood. At the same time, the policy is monitored regularly and amended as necessary.
- 10Instructing/Training
- n order to manage personal information in an appropriate manner, we hold instructional and training sessions related to the policies listed here.
- 11Compliance
- We observe regulations related to privacy rights and other laws in order to protect personal information.